
Zealie Case Study: Clients Revenue Increased by 75%

We’ve been able to increase customer revenues because of our revenue prediction tools and propriety software. Our proprietary software collects and analyzes historic insurance payment data, which can predict the revenue you can expect. Knowing which insurance policies have a history of high reimbursement rates, and which ones don’t, gives treatment facilities the information they need before accepting clients. See the Zealie case study below for details.

12 Bed Facility (Before Zealie)

Billed Amount/Month = $1.5M

Revenue/Month – 20% Collection $300,000

Overhead Cost = – $250,000

Marketing = – $75,000

Net Profit/Month = – $25,000

12 Bed Facility (After Zealie)

Billed Amount/Month = $1.5M

Revenue/Month – 45% Collection = $675,000

Overhead Cost = – $250,000

Marketing = – $150,000

Net Profit/Month = $275,000